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Spiritual Growth occurs at every level of every session provided at and through Red Feather Retreat.  Our mission is to transform and transcend and you can’t do either if you are not growing.  These programs are specifically tailored to meet you right where you are and to provide the opportunities that you need so you can soar!  From private session to classes in exploring the gifts of the spirit, you will find personalized attention, supportive instruction laced with healthy doses of encouragement and homework so you can further explore.  At Red Feather, we are open to all forms of spirituality and teach universal truths present in all forms of religion.  We are kind to one another, loving and nurturing.  We build you up, recognize your gifts and encourage you to be the very best of who you are!  Join us to see what we offer and how it fits!  You will be glad that you found us, we are like minded friends, motley crews, part of your tribe!


Check our calendar for upcoming classes.



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